For Employees with Disabilities

The Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences provides support for Employees and Visitors with a disability certificate in the form of a Disabled Person's Assistant. The Assistant's task is to facilitate and assist Employees and Visitors with a disability certificate in organizing the formalities necessary to perform the entrusted work.

Disabled Person's Assistant:

  1. Knows the accessibility declaration for IFJ PAN.
  2. Knows architectural solutions enabling movement around the Institute.
  3. Knows English at a communicative level.
  4. Is ready to care for a disabled person on the premises of the Institute (if necessary, helps in driving a wheelchair, shows access routes to the required administrative and scientific departments).
  5. Advises, helps, and monitors the handling of administrative matters.
  6. Reports current problems and needs related to disabilities at the Institute.
  7. Knows the location of materials for people with disabilities on the IFJ PAN website.
  8. Helps ensure the availability of a means of communication for a disabled person with the administration and employees of the Institute.
  9. Provides appropriate conditions for a guide dog (access to rooms where the guide dog can perform duties towards the person it is assisting, access to fresh water).
Disabled Person's Assistant
Łukasz Stan

tel.: 8493, 533308654